
joyous utilization of what's at hand

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Continua, Time and Space; Time as a Geometric Function

There can be no motion without time.Time is experiential and self-referential. I don't believe it's moving forward so much as outward, from the singularity. 'Now' is only a self-referential 'Now'. It's different for anyone and everyone, directly related to your position. A function of geometry. If you could view from 'anywhen' 'no-when', outside our 'timeline' you would have a better perspective of 'time'.
It's easy to understand the geometric functions of space, but, time not so much, at first.
Einstein has proven, with his theory of special relativity that space and time were connected, related. I believe the substance of our space uses time as a geometric function to allow motion, in our particular universe and from our particular perspective there. Time is motion, or the precept of motion. There can be no motion without time.

If space where nothing but a void or vacuum, how could it be warped by a large mass, such as a star, neutron star or black hole?

Time isn't a dimension at all, by definition. It says it's a coordinate dimension, but with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, you can't have a coordinate while in motion, only speed and direction. To have a coordinate, time would have to stop.
From our perspective time appears to have speed and direction. It seems fluid, but it could actually be jagged, stopping and starting and we wouldn't perceive it. Anyway, since it appears to have velocity, time has a starting point, it comes from somewhere and it's moving away.
It seems to me that time is actually a waveform,* moving outward from the big bang.
Relativity states that as you approach the speed of light time slows compared to your original location. What if you were going in a large circle? A small circle? Just spinning at that speed? What about a singularity? How can you have angular momentum without any measurable dimensions?
Some people say our universe is infinite, I think that's just in comparison. Because we are so tiny. We have limited perspective and no large measuring device, lacking in apparent ability, Limited perspective. Imagine you're far outside our universe, looking at the expanding bubble, about the size of a grape or small plum. We'll give it an age of say 20 billion years. (just a guess) So that universe is 20 billion light years across, and it's not infinite. What's it expanding into? That's interesting!
It also seems likely that our space has three apparent dimensions because that is the most stable. The universe, makes things as simple as possible, but no simpler.

*I see time as a path you are walking on, but the path dissolves as you keep stepping, and it doesn't exist in front of you, it only exists right under you, at that point. It appears under the next step and disappears upon lifting the previous. It exhibits the properties of a sine wave.
Our measurement of time is circular, angular momentum, but we're using time to measure time. All measurement is relative, you need a reference point, something outside to compare to. The only thing that qualifies here is our memory of the past. That doesn't actually exist. it's a fallacy. What would our description of time be if we had no memory of the past? What would a clock seem like to you?