
joyous utilization of what's at hand

Sunday, October 30, 2011




 Quantum information in relation to systems is a just-in-time process, information appears, forms just as its needed, it's self-guided, called to order by the implicit systems, its a non-linear 'No waste' system without 'time-directed limitations. It's cross relational. and without time-directed limitations, recursion is unnecessary. I believe we can design information systems built/based on quantum information's qualities of self-directed order, it's a 'call-to-action' system. chaos, fractals, black box, without explicit order, give it total autonomy, the only input is implied, requested, but a true, valid call-to-order on this system can have no explicit limitations, meaning the system only responds if left 'freely' to react.

Prior to opening the 'request', the data exists in wave form, it's everywhere and anywhen and at the instant of request it quantifies itself.

Numbers seem too inexact, too jagged to properly quantify systems, using relational dynamics; wave mechanics is a more accurate depiction of systemic interaction. My dilemma is inherent, quantification; i.e. description, measurement seems impossible in our current system without numbers. But our eyes see light in waves and our ears hear sound in waves. Our communication is reduced by our definitions, so numbers and words impose limitations on our ability to know. And those limitations also inhibit our ability to share. There is information that I know but I can't get it to you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011




Happiness is a form of acceptance, a willingness to be in the moment. To enjoy where you are, when you are and who you are. As soon as you attempt to define happiness, you are out of ‘accepting’ life as it is right now and into ‘defining’ it, usually in ‘less than’ ways, “What’s missing?”.  Focusing on what’s good, what’s available to you right now can allow happiness. I’ve seen children with in rags, with a piece of trash to play with, a wheel, a string, a stick, etc. Squeal with delight, HAPPY!  Chase a wheel down the road, play with rocks and shells, ‘special rocks’ ‘Treasure’ This is happiness. I’ve also seen well dressed children with expensive complicated toys, mad because they did not get what they wanted, or it’s broke, or not the right color. And I’ve seen the child in rags see the toys of other kids and become unhappy and despondent. “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I have any toys like that? What’s wrong with me? Why doesn’t God love me? What did I do to deserve this? God must hate me. I am bad. I hate myself. Because I don’t have ‘nice’ things I don’t deserve to be happy.” Society can rob you of your happiness, IF you let it.

All of us are children in some way. We need to be taught, told, shown, and made to understand. To defend our Own Personal Happiness, our Unique perspective is our happiness. Happiness is a way, a process, acceptance, vision. It’s the act of seeing what seems good to you right now and utilising it in a satisfying, pleasing or amusing manor. A positive outlook. There are many definitions for happiness. ‘Marked by good luck, fortunate’, ‘NOPE”, ‘Marked by pleasure satisfaction or joy’ ??? “This describes the appearance of happiness.” Being especially well-adapted. cheerful, willing’ “This touches on the process.” Living in this convoluted world-society of consumer-based materialism. Most people think money buys happiness; toys, clothes, food, sex, cars, technology, homes, vacations, drugs, etc. Money equals power, property and prestige, not happiness, just a convoluted obsession to control, to get MORE. Happiness is enjoying what you have, right now, anytime, anyplace. Not more. I believe happiness should be defended and properly defined to children, so they can also be happy adults.
 Our brains evolved our thinking process as pattern recognition. To recognize patterns in our environment, for safety, survival. To remember a viable food source. Recognize danger, again. To pick out the difference in the pattern, to recognize the pattern for survival. If we let this ‘process’ focus on what’s ‘missing’ in our lives today, our environment. We can’t be happy, it, our happiness is missing, because it’s attached to that missing ‘thing’. How can we be happy? ‘It’s’ not here.
Don’t let society rob you of your happiness. Guard it, teach it , share it, create it. define it, instill it. It is your Happiness, don’t you want it? You can give happiness and still keep it. Watching television can rob your happiness. Be guarded. Watch animals at play, they are happy. How’s that? Please share time with a child, please help them to see that happiness is easy and always at hand, share some of yourself, time, knowledge and patient understanding with a child. This creates happiness. Do esteem-able things.  
Seeing the available good in your life today and utilising it, this creates happiness. Focus on the available ‘good’ things right now and utilize them. This is ‘well adapted’. Be Cheerful, Willing. Good words. Good will.
Happiness; def: Being especially well-adapted; felicitous: Cheerful; willing.
Happy as in ‘crazy happy’;
:Characterized by a spontaneous or obsessive inclination to use something.
:Enthusiastic about or involved with to a disproportionate degree.

                                                                     Hope you find happiness today.
                                                                                                    Tom Neal
(happiness can be: shared, taught, accepted, denied, lost, borrowed, given, re-lived, forgotten, believed*, discarded, unknown*, dis-credited, contagious, imagined*, …  “I would rather be ‘crazy’ and believe I’m happy than be ‘sane’ and KNOW I’m not.” How you react to your environment right now, will define your happiness today.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Consciousness vs. Reality - Purpose

Consciousness, thought and reality are interrelated. In many ways, how many we don't really know. For us it's all perceived, perception is our reality. Our truth. Could it be that we are a construct of reality brought into existence to give our universe a fluid and motile interface. We could be slowly and carefully brought into existence so our universe could experience this aspect in a more suitable way. We might be the perfect design for interacting with our reality. True to the nature of our universe. Which also means we are true to our own innate nature. We are a construct of our reality. Brought forth for a physical means of interacting in this environment and connecting the physical world our bodies exist in with the unknown aspect of our non-physical innate existence. Thought form, emotional essence, spiritual origin, our primary elemental form.
If you have a grasp of the complexity of humans in general, DNA, the brain, biology, every part, the odds for existence in chance probability are slim, Very. Some interplay seems to dictate primordial design, reality seems to have instructions for arranging matter into patterns, with a specific purpose. Also on it's own time.
We may be caught up in our physical reality, talking our learned languages falsely believing that's all there is to our existence. Missing the truth, the innate nature of our being clouded by our distorted perception of reality, it's sensory rich environment, and not getting in-tune with our spiritual non-physical purpose. Real purpose is two-fold. Everything seems to be binary primary, balanced. We might be missing our primary purpose, might need to be tuned, like an instrument. Turn down the physical volume so we can hear our spiritual aspect calling. It may be as rich and rewarding just less easy for us to get. We reach for what's easiest. It's basic physical, natural, even laws of physics dictate that. But a little more might be expected of us since our brains have more aspects than the universe has stars. Things such as this don't seem to happen by chance. Not often, not easy, not likely. Even though given an infinite amount of time an infinite amount of things can happen, not 'will happen', 'can happen'. Possibilities. The very thought of a possibility is it's birth here. It existed prior, but wasn't enacted, inception starts its intent. When you become aware of what you don't know that you don't know, you start to wake up, from the constraints of your existence and purpose.